Confirmation - Bethlehem's class for 7th and 8th graders preparing for adult membership in the congregation.
In addition to their studies, these young people enjoy several fun activities and various servant projects in the community and in the church.
In addition to their studies, these young people enjoy several fun activities and various servant projects in the community and in the church.
Men's Group - the service and fellowship group of Bethlehem's men. The Men's Group gathers monthly - usually the first Saturday of the month - for breakfast, Bible Study and planning. The men are responsible for a number of service projects around Bethlehem's building as well as at members' homes when necessary.
Some of their activities include an annual Men's Retreat up in the Blue Mountains (April); a Bratwurst Feed (November); and a congregational float in the Fair parade (August).
Some of their activities include an annual Men's Retreat up in the Blue Mountains (April); a Bratwurst Feed (November); and a congregational float in the Fair parade (August).
Women in God's Service (WinGs) - the service and fellowship group of Bethlehem's women. WinGs gathers monthly - usually the second Tuesday of the month - for Bible Study, fellowship and planning. Affiliated with the Lutheran Woman's Missionary League, WinGs has a strong outreach focus. To that end, WinGs takes a Mission Offering during the worship service the last Sunday of each month. Some of their activities include an annual Women's Retreat (May) and a Christmastime Bazaar (December).
Piecemakers - Bethlehem's quilting group. The Piecemakers gather every Tuesday morning to piece together quilts from donated fabric. The quilts they create are sent to Lutheran World Relief for distribution throughout the world to those in need.